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Special power transmissions for wind turbines (Increase rotational speed). Gearboxes.

Model gear box: "G10065"
The gearbox has an oil temperature indicator and an oil level indicator.
The gearbox housing as well as the special oil filling tier are designed to act as a cooling device.
The gearbox can be removed and reassembled on the wind turbine, with a simple procedure.
The gearbox is designed in such a way that it can accept the shock of violent braking from the electric brake.
Nominal power:
5,2 Kw
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
1 × 6,5
Maximum inpur torque:
807 Nm
Maximum output torque:
124 Nm
Maximum input rotation speed:
62 rpm
Maximum output rotation speed:
400 rpm
Rotation speed increase steps:
Gears type:
Hypoid gears.
Lubricating oil level indicator:
Lubricating oil temperature indicator:
Amount of lubricating oil:
2,5 L
Type of lubricating oil:
90 SAE
Lubricating oil change:
Every three years.
Includes manual brake disc.
Includes the generator connection flange.
Box construction material:
Q235 JS,
DIN 1.0037
Gear construction material:
Shafts construction material:
Inlet shaft rolling bearings:
32308 GB 297-94
30307 GB 297-94
Output shaft rolling bearings:
33007 GB 297-94
33206 GB 297-94
Power loss, at an output speed of 300 RPM, is:
1,95 Nm

Model gear box: "G10054"
Nominal power:
6,4 Kw
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
1 × 5,4
Maximum inpur torque:
823 Nm
Maximum output torque:
153 Nm
Maximum input rotation speed:
74 rpm
Maximum output rotation speed:
400 rpm
Rotation speed increase steps:
Gears type:
Hypoid gears.
Lubricating oil level indicator:
Lubricating oil temperature indicator:
Amount of lubricating oil:
2,5 L
Type of lubricating oil:
90 SAE
Lubricating oil change:
Every three years.
Includes manual brake disc.
Includes the generator connection flange.
Box construction material:
Q235 JS,
DIN 1.0037
Gear construction material:
Shafts construction material:
Inlet shaft rolling bearings:
32308 GB 297-94
30307 GB 297-94
Output shaft rolling bearings:
33008 GB 297-94
33207 GB 297-94
Power loss, at an output speed of 300 RPM, is:
2,06 Nm

Model gear box: "G10059"
Nominal power:
9,3 Kw
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
1 × 5,9
Maximum inpur torque:
1.313 Nm
Maximum output torque:
222 Nm
Maximum input rotation speed:
68 rpm
Maximum output rotation speed:
400 rpm
Rotation speed increase steps:
Gears type:
Hypoid gears.
Lubricating oil level indicator:
Lubricating oil temperature indicator:
Amount of lubricating oil:
2,5 L
Type of lubricating oil:
90 SAE
Lubricating oil change:
Every three years.
Includes manual brake disc.
Includes the generator connection flange.
Box construction material:
Q235 JS,
DIN 1.0037
Gear construction material:
Shafts construction material:
Inlet shaft rolling bearings:
32308 GB 297-94
30307 GB 297-94
Output shaft rolling bearings:
33007 GB 297-94
33207 GB 297-94
Power loss, at an output speed of 300 RPM, is:
2,23 Nm

Model gear box: "G10046"
Nominal power:
12,8 Kw
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
1 × 4,6
Maximum inpur torque:
1.600 Nm
Maximum output torque:
350 Nm
Maximum input rotation speed:
76 rpm
Maximum output rotation speed:
350 rpm
Rotation speed increase steps:
Gears type:
Hypoid gears.
Lubricating oil level indicator:
Lubricating oil temperature indicator:
Amount of lubricating oil:
2,5 L
Type of lubricating oil:
90 SAE
Lubricating oil change:
Every three years.
Includes manual brake disc.
Includes the generator connection flange.
Box construction material:
Q235 JS,
DIN 1.0037
Gear construction material:
Shafts construction material:
Inlet shaft rolling bearings:
32308 GB 297-94
30307 GB 297-94
Output shaft rolling bearings:
33109 GB 297-94
33108 GB 297-94
Power loss, at an output speed of 300 RPM, is:
2,31 Nm

Model gear box: "G10148"
Nominal power:
14,6 Kw
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
Ration (Increase rotation speed):
1 × 14,8
Maximum inpur torque:
6295,02 Nm
Maximum output torque:
419,97 Nm
Maximum input rotation speed:
22,15 rpm
Maximum output rotation speed:
332 rpm
Rotation speed increase stages:
Total weight (including brake disc):
364,224 Kg
Box external dimensions (including radial base):
820 mm
1.080 mm
1.052 mm
Box external dimensions:
392 mm
782 mm
1.052 mm
Box construction material:
Q235 JS,
DIN 1.0037
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
Lubricating oil level indicator:
Lubricating oil temperature indicator:
Amount of lubricating oil:
2,5 L
Type of lubricating oil:
90 SAE
Lubricating oil change:
Every one year.
Includes manual brake disc.
Includes the generator connection flange.
Input shaft diameter:
110 mm
Output shaft diameter:
30 mm
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
Bearings (Pieces 8):
32316 GB 297-94
32315 GB 297-94
33214 GB 297-94
32310 GB 297-94
7307B DIN 628
7206B DIN 628
Power loss, at an output speed of 300 RPM, is:
2,79 Nm
First stage:
Gears type:
Hypoid gears.
Hypoid set face hobbing:
Nominal power:
14,6 Kw
Input rotation speed (Gear):
22,15 rpm
Output rotation speed (Pinion):
106 rpm
Max input torque (Gear):
6295,02 Nm
Max output torque (Pinion):
1.315,38 Nm
Ration nominal:
1 X 4,7742
Ration real:
1 X 4,7857
Mean pitch diameter (Gear):
281 mm
Mean spiral angle:
Hypoid offset:
50 mm
Mounting distance external Pinion:
161,451 mm
Mounting distance external Gear:
70,0818 mm
Construction material of the gears and shafts:
Second stage:
Gears type:
Spur helical gears.
Nominal power:
14,6 Kw
Input rotation speed (Gear):
106,2 rpm
Output rotation speed (Pinion):
332 rpm
Max input torque (Gear):
1302,06 Nm
Max output torque (Pinion):
419,97 Nm
Ration nominal:
1 X 3,1
Ration real:
1 X 3,125
Mean spiral angle:
Construction material of the gears:
Rm = 785 MPa

Model gear box: "G10119"
Nominal power:
31 Kw
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
Ration (Increase rotation speed):
1 × 11,9
Maximum inpur torque:
9.840,61 Nm
Maximum output torque:
845,86 Nm
Maximum input rotation speed:
30,08 rpm
Maximum output rotation speed:
350 rpm
Rotation speed increase stages:
Total weight (including brake disc):
464,643 Kg
Box external dimensions (including radial base):
820 mm
1.080 mm
1.052 mm
Box external dimensions:
590 mm
894 mm
1.052 mm
Box construction material:
Q235 JS,
DIN 1.0037
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
Lubricating oil level indicator:
Lubricating oil temperature indicator:
Amount of lubricating oil:
4,5 L
Type of lubricating oil:
90 SAE
Lubricating oil change:
Every three years.
Includes manual brake disc.
Includes the generator connection flange.
Input shaft diameter:
110 mm
Output shaft diameter:
40 mm
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
Bearings (pieces 8):
32316 GB 297-94
32315 GB 297-94
33214 GB 297-94
33109 GB 297-94
7310B DIN 628
7308B DIN 628
Power loss, at an output speed of 300 RPM, is:
2,77 Nm
First stage:
Gears type:
Hypoid gears.
Hypoid set face hobbing:
Nominal power:
31 Kw
GEAR BOX INGREASER ROTATION SPEED FOR WIND TURBINE, WIND GENERATOR VERTICAL AXIS, wind turbine, wind generator, wind mill, small wind turbine, Household wind turbine, Wind turbine for houses, Wind turbine for hotels, Wind turbine for small factories, Wind power, Green energy, Energy from the wind,
Wind turbine with little wind, Wind turbine with some wind, Vertical axis wind turbines, Vertical axis wind turbine, Coreless generators, Special generators for use in wind turbines, Special generators for hydroelectric use
Input rotation speed (Gear):
30,08 rpm
Output rotation speed (Pinion):
178 rpm
Max input torque (Gear):
9.840, 61 Nm
Max output torque (Pinion):
1.663,2 Nm
Ration nominal:
1 X 5,95
Ration real:
1 X 5,9167
Mean pitch diameter (Gear):
350 mm
Mean spiral angle:
Hypoid offset:
60 mm
Mounting distance external Pinion:
198,0621 mm
Mounting distance external Gear:
72,77729 mm
Construction material of the gears
Second stage:
Gears type:
Spur gears.
Nominal power:
31 Kw
Input rotation speed (Gear):
175 rpm
Output rotation speed (Pinion):
350 rpm
Max input torque (Gear):
1.663,2 Nm
Max output torque (Pinion):
845,86 Nm
1 X 2
Mean spiral angle:
Construction material of the pinions
Rm = 785 MPa