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Calculate for yourself whether the wind turbine meets your need.
Click on your country's flag icon to see video, how you can "read" the data from the "wind rose", so you can calculate all the technical and economic parameters of the wind turbine yourself.
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For wind turbine "Iasos I".

Download and print the file with the instructions on how to use our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

Download our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

For wind turbine "Iasos Ia".

Download and print the file with the instructions on how to use our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

Download our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

For wind turbine "Iasos II".

Download and print the file with the instructions on how to use our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

Download our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

For wind turbine "Iasos IIa".

Download and print the file with the instructions on how to use our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

Download our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

For wind turbine "Iasos III".

Download and print the file with the instructions on how to use our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

Download our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

For wind turbine "Iasos IIIa".

Download and print the file with the instructions on how to use our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).

Download our company's software to calculate the parameters of the wind turbine yourself. This file is Microsoft excel file. (Choose language).